Survey your entire body, mind and spirit and see if there is an energy leakage.
Can you see where energy is escaping or draining to? If there is a leak, no matter how small, the leakage is diminishing, ceasing and is now completely repaired so that all the energy is now retained and utilized correctly as needed.
Now, visualize a ray of pure compatible energy flowing into your body. This wonderful ray is completely re-energizing your body and your mind.
See it being absorbed within. Feel it. Let it flow in and around completely recharging all.
Now that your energy is replenished, there is an easy and equal inflow and outflow of vitalizing energy throughout your body.
Feel this energy field around your body getting very strong. You now have energy to spare. You feel refreshed, re-energized yet relaxed.
Any situation or person that might have drained your energy in the past can no longer affect you in any way.
Your shield of protection neutralizes all negativity and adds positive outlook.