So…you will remain more relaxed… and calmer… whenever you are in the presence of other people… and it doesn’t matter whether it is a small group of people… or a large group… or whether they are friends or strangers….
You will now learn… to not have any fear of speaking in front of other people… you will always be able to express yourself easily and confidently… and you will learn to speak eloquently and confidently… with intelligence and humor when appropriate … your conversations will flow easily… and you will enjoy talking to people…. about any subject that arises… and now you will always be able to meet people on equal terms… without the slightest feelings of inferiority… you will become… so deeply interested… so deeply absorbed in what you are saying… that you become completely focused in the conversation… to the complete exclusion of everything else…
And so you always remain perfectly relaxed… perfectly calm and self confident… when you are speaking to other people… whether it’s to do with business or pleasure… whether its on a one to one… or to a group… and when your with other people… you become much less conscious of yourself… and your own feelings… you will consequently be able to talk quite freely and naturally… if you should begin to think of yourself… you will immediately shift your attention back to your conversation … and you will remain calm… confident… and self assured… at all times…
And because of this… you will find that you get on better with people… you gain their respect easily… because you are a good listener… and you speak with intelligence and confidence … and you like to laugh with people… as you know its a wonderful way to communicate… and this makes you feel happy and content… knowing that you can communicate easily with people from all walks of life… as you draw upon your experiences of life to make your conversations interesting….
And as time goes by… you will find that you enjoy being around other people… as your skills of communication grow more and more refined… and you draw opportunities towards you… as people respond to your likeable easy going personality… and so as you grow more and more confident about your own abilities… when your in the company of other people… you grow more confident about yourself… and develop an inner calm and strength… as the days weeks and months go by….
©Terrance Watts
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