Introduction – Please read this before experiencing the imagery.
You are about to experience the Center of Creation Imagery. This imagery brings your mind and your physical body into their most powerful states of creation. For about 4 – 6 hours after you experience this imagery your body and mind will remain in a creative state. It is very important that you exercise mindfulness in your thoughts and words during the next 4 – 6 hours. Any thought or intention focused on or spoken is very likely to come about. We suggest that you use the next 4 – 6 hours focusing your attention upon what you want, like, or intend to create. The creative state also tends to accelerate learning during those hours so take advantage of the opportunity to absorb, listen, and accept.
The power of this imagery comes from the method it uses to enlist the physical body in cooperation with the mind to manifest intention. The mind will produce an intention; the body will speak the intention while in an energized, relaxed state, every cell aware and active; then the body and mind together will release the intention into the universe to set the universe in motion to fulfill your intention. Your thoughts, words, and deeds for the next 4 – 6 hours will fill in the details for the universe to supply. Be mindful, you will get what you think and speak!
The Center of Creation Imagery is based on the premise that as you become aware of the different parts of the body in a systematic way, your body will align itself with the pituitary and pineal glands in the center of your brain. The pineal gland is thought by some to be the connection with higher source and light. It is the only structure in the brain that contains a crystal (like in radio sets). The pituitary gland orchestrates the physical world of the body. These two glands function and connect on the physical, emotional, and mental levels.
The pineal gland lies slightly behind and above the ears in the center of the brain. The pituitary gland lies slightly forward of and below the ears in the center of the brain. Between the pineal and pituitary glands is a sea of special spinal fluid surrounded by the thalamus and hypothalamus glands. The thalamus and hypothalamus glands deal with memory, identity, and relationship.
As we take a trip through the body, the neurons in the central sulcus (an area of the brain’s cortex that stretches from one ear to the other across the top of the brain in two halves, right and left) will fire in a systematic way toward the center of the brain. Bringing the focus of attention to the inner sea in this manner brings together the most powerfully creative physical systems in the brain with the mind’s conscious intention. It’s the magic combination that brings about near-instant manifestation.
- At the appropriate time, flash on end results – imagine how you want things to be; see, hear, feel your intention in an instant. Create an image of what you want (end results) before you start the imagery so it is ready when called for.
- Prepare yourself for the imagery by sitting with your spine straight and your limbs uncrossed or touching any other body part. You may also elect to lie on your back on the floor, body straight, knees slightly elevated, limbs uncrossed or touching any other body part.
- As the body parts are named, focus quick attention to them and move the part slightly (like tensing and relaxing). This will give added focus and attention and enhance the effect.
- Experience the imagery with a light-sound device like Theta Technologies’ Voyager Mind’s Eye.
The imagery is only a few minutes long, yet its effects can last a lifetime.
Or read to yourself and/or others:
Bring about a feeling of inner relaxation in the whole body… concentrate on the body and become aware of the importance of complete stillness. <pause>. Develop your awareness of the body from the top of the head to the tips of the toes and say in your mind “My mind is still, still, still and my body is relaxed, relaxed, relaxed. <pause>. Complete stillness and complete awareness of the whole body… say again in your mind, “My mind is still, still, still and my body is relaxed, relaxed, relaxed.” <pause>. Continue your awareness of the whole body… the whole body… the whole body. <long pause>.
State your intent to yourself at this point. The intent will be very simple… a few words only. State this intention three times with awareness, feeling and emphasis. <long pause>.
Now we begin rotation of consciousness, rotation of awareness by taking a trip through the different parts of the body. Repeat the part in your mind and simultaneously become aware of that part of the body. Keep yourself alert yet avoid concentrating too intensely. Become aware of the right hand. <pause>.
Right thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, palm of the right hand, back of the hand, the right wrist, the lower arm, the elbow, the upper arm, the shoulder, the armpit, become aware of the right waist, the right hip, the right thigh, the kneecap, the calf, the ankle, the heel, the sole of the right foot, become aware of the top of the foot, the big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, fifth toe…
Become aware of the left hand thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, palm of the left hand, back of the hand, the wrist, the lower arm, the left elbow, the upper arm, the shoulder, the armpit, become aware of the left waist, the left hip, the left thigh, the kneecap, the calf, the ankle, the heel, the sole of the left foot, become aware of the top of the foot, the big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, fifth toe…
Now to the back. Become aware of the right shoulder blade, the left shoulder blade… the right buttock, the left buttock… the spine… the whole back together…
Now go to the top of the head. The top of the head; the forehead, both sides of the head, the right eyebrow, the left eyebrow, the space between the eyebrows, the right eyelid, the left eyelid, the right eye, the left eye, the right ear, the left ear, the right cheek, the left cheek, the chin, the throat, the right side of the chest, the left side of the chest, the middle of the chest, the navel, the abdomen…
The whole of the right leg… the whole of the left leg… both legs together… <pause>. The whole of the right arm… the whole of the left arm… both arms together… <pause>. The whole of the back, buttocks, spine, shoulder blades… the whole of the front, abdomen, chest… the whole of the back and front together… the whole of the head… the whole body together… the whole body together… the whole body together. <pause>.
Now that your body is completely relaxed and you are aware of every part, imagine that you are standing in the very center of your own brain. You are only a quarter of an inch tall and you can stand easily within the small cavity that is formed by your pineal gland above and your pituitary gland below. It is safe and warm and comfortable. You notice a wonderful and strange thing: this place is full of light, memories, visions of understanding, intuitions, flashes of inspiration, feelings of connectedness and relationship with all life. Notice how these images pass by you like beautifully colored birds, flowing pictures, and primary shapes. Allow the understandings to come to you naturally and easily. Notice how your body feels with each image you encounter. Just make note of it and let it pass by.
In this wonderful space there is quiet, serenity, peace. It is also a magical space. Above is the pineal, the key to your spiritual connection with higher consciousness. Below you is the pituitary, the key to the physical dimension of self. In this space between the two is the magic of pure creativity. A number of different things will be named now. Develop a vision of them on all levels… feeling, awareness, emotion, imagination, as best you can… <pause>. Just allow any image to come to you. <pause>.
Burning candle… burning candle… burning candle… endless desert… endless desert… endless desert… Egyptian pyramid… Egyptian pyramid… Egyptian pyramid… torrential rain… torrential rain… torrential rain… snow capped mountains… snow capped mountains… snow capped mountains… temple at sunrise… temple at sunrise… temple at sunrise… solitary coffin beside a grave… solitary coffin beside a grave… solitary coffin beside a grave… birds flying across a sunset… birds flying across a sunset… birds flying across a sunset… red clouds drifting… red clouds drifting… red clouds drifting… a cross above a church… a cross above a church… a cross above a church… stars at night… stars at night… stars at night… full moon… full moon… full moon… smiling Buddha… smiling Buddha… smiling Buddha… wind from the sea… wind from the sea… wind from the sea… waves breaking on a deserted beach… waves breaking on a deserted beach… waves breaking on a deserted beach… the restless sea… eternal restless sea… eternal restless sea… <long pause>.
Any thought or intention imagined in this magical space is sure to come into physical manifestation. Now is the time to repeat your intent… repeat the same intent that you made earlier, repeat the intent three times with full awareness and feeling. <pause>.
Now flash on your intention. Speak it again to yourself. Flash on how life looks when your intention is realized. Imagine your life in this new way. Feel your intention filling your entire being. Flash on how successful you feel. Flash on it… Allow this image to become one unlimited thought. <pause>.
Now, take the thought out of your head and place it in your cupped physical hands in front of you. With your unlimited thought held in front of you in your two hands, quickly blow into your hands and release your intent into the universe as though you were casting seeds out into the air. This begins the physical process of creation.
Return now to your quiet, still, space again and allow the satisfaction of pure creation to sweep over you like clear sparkling water. Imagine that light is flowing through you like the water: coming into your head from the pineal and flowing out your feet to the pituitary. Know that your creation is perfect. Know that it is deserving and acknowledged by universal mind, infinite power, God. Let this knowing fill your entire being… your entire being… your entire being… <pause>.
It is time now to return to the physical dimension of time and space from which we came. Allow your mind to begin to notice the physical space that you occupy. Feel that which touches your own body in present time. Sense that you have returned to the room and open your eyes here and now.
Adapted with great gratitude and honor from Yoga Nidra, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, India. Yoga Nidra is a trade mark of the Satyananda Yoga/Bihar tradition.
Adaptation ©2003 by Joseph Bennette
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