By Wayne F. Perkins
Repeat this as often as you like. ADD sufferers need spaced repetition of the exercise to stimulate their powerful subconscious minds.
Before You Begin:
Always remember that ALL hypnosis is self-hypnosis! You are always in control.
You have all the power necessary to make positive changes in your own life. You may have found out already in life that you also have the power to make all the negative changes in your life.
Let’s focus on the positive changes.
Find an area in your home or place of work where you can have about twenty minutes to yourself. That’s right, only 20 minutes are needed in your quest for a successful induction at this point.
Now read the following words into your recording equipment.
Read very, very slowly.
Pretend that you are tired as you read this exercise and you will react in a relaxed, sleepy, manner.
You will find yourself empathetic to your own voice. (You may want to print out this page for future reference)
Whenever you see the (Pause) cue, pause for 3 seconds, then go ahead and read again. Let your body relax for a few moments before continuing on.
If you are not the person seeking treatment for example, a therapist, parent or friend, make sure you read this in a relaxed and sleepy manner as you read aloud.
Hypnosis Begins:
Now Sit up in a comfortable chair or lie on a couch or a bed with your hands resting in your lap or by your side and take three slow deep breaths. Each time you inhale, focus on filling your lungs with clean, fresh air. (Pause) As you exhale, feel all of the tension leave your lungs. (Pause)
Now stare at a spot. Look at a spot on the wall or ceiling. (Pause)
Look at that spot, breathe deep and relax. (Pause)
Your body is relaxing, deeply relaxing. (Pause)
You eyes are getting heavy and closing down. (Pause)
You are going deep, deep, and deeper into a pleasant state of relaxation. (Pause)
Your mind is alert and aware, and your body is relaxing, perfectly.
Now I am going to count from three down to one. With every count take a long slow deep breath. Then exhale deeply, and allow yourself to relax deeper and sounder than ever before. (Pause)
Okay, three breathing deeply, two, inhaling deeply and exhaling.
Feel the tension leaving your lungs. (Pause)
One, deeper and more completely relaxed than ever before. (Pause)
Now close your eyes and relax deeply. (Pause)
You feel relaxed, focused and at peace. (Pause)
Each time you practice this exercise, You will find yourself relaxing to a greater and greater degree. (Pause)
Your body feels totally relaxed as your mind is keenly alert, aware and very powerful. (Pause)
You can achieve anything YOU want when you execute your own personal power. (Pause)
You will sleep better when its time to sleep and you will find more energy when you are awake. Your powers of concentration will become stronger and stronger. (Pause)
Your life is getting better and better. (Pause) Day by day, in every way you are getting better and better. (Pause)
You feel good, you feel fine…you feel perfectly relaxed. (Pause)
Each and every deep breath that you take lets you relax deeper and deeper. (Pause)
Each and every sound that you hear allows you to relax deeper and deeper. (Pause)
Nothing will disturb you.
Just breathe deeply and relax deeply. (Pause)
Let your body relax. (Pause)
Let all of your muscles relax as you gain control over the powerful subconscious part of our mind. (Pause)
All of your cares and troubles are just drifting away. (Pause)
You can bring them back at any time you want. (Pause)
However, it feels good to let them drift away at this time. (Pause)
But it feels good to let them drift away at this time.
Each and every breath you take allows you to relax deeper and deeper each and every sound that you hear, allows you to relax deeper and deeper.
You feel good. You feel fine. You feel perfectly and completely relaxed. (Pause)
Your mind is alert and aware and your body is relaxing perfectly.
Now allow your eyelids to feel heavy. (Pause)
Allow your eyes to feel tired. Begin to close your eyelids down tight. This will allow you to relax deeper.
Deeper and sounder than ever before. (Pause)
You are going down deeper and sounder in this wonderful state of relaxation. (Pause)
Your mind is keenly alert and aware, and your body is relaxing perfectly. (Pause)
Now picture in your mind that with your eyes closed down tightly, you can see out of an imaginary hole in the top of your head. (Pause)
Imagine that you are looking out of that imaginary hole or window and you can see a beautiful relaxing scene around you. (Pause)
You make be picturing the night sky, or a beautiful daytime scene with mountains and trees, or a lake or the ocean shore. Or, you may be picturing a comfortable room or place that is very quiet and still. (Pause)
Whatever picture you hold in your mind, just hold it there and relax deeply and soundly. (Pause)
Now we are going to select a picture a selection from my last example. (Pause)
Picture in your mind the night sky.
It may be a sky filled with a full moon, planets and stars or it might be an overcast night that is very dark and has little light.
Whatever sky you picture is the correct one.
As you picture the night sky in your mind, you body relaxes deeply, very deeply.
All of your muscles are going loose, and limp.
As your body relaxes you find yourself concentrating better and better. Your powers of concentration are becoming more acute and more pronounced.
It is easier for you to concentrate on those things that interest you.
Now as you see your night sky picture a large wheel somewhere in your night sky. (Pause)
It may be a large spoke wagon wheel, or bicycle wheel, or an automobile tire.
Whatever wheel you picture in your mind, it will be the correct wheel.
As you look at the wheel in the night sky, you are going deeper and deeper into this wonderful, hypnotic state of mind. (Pause)
Your powers of concentration are improving. You are seeing greater detail in your night sky. (Pause)
Now as you look at the night sky, picture your wheel turning and spinning to the right or to the left.
Whatever direction you see your wheel turning and spinning, this will be the correct direction. (Pause)
As you watch the wheel turning and spinning to the right or to the left, you body relaxes further. At the same time you concentration is growing more intense.
You are able to see greater detail in your night sky. (Pause)
As the night sky is becoming clearer and clearer, you are going deeper and deeper into this wonderful, relaxing state of mind.
Now as you watch the wheel turning and spinning to the right or to the left, now see the wheel moving toward you or away from you. (Pause)
As the wheel moves towards you, it becomes bigger and bigger. As it moves away from you it becomes smaller in the night sky.
As the wheel turns and spins and moves towards or away from you, relax and concentrate deeply. (Pause)
Now as you watch the wheel moving and spinning in the night sky, I want you to count back from one-hundred down to one. Now count to yourself slowly from one hundred down to one. (Pause)
Count 100, 99, 98, 97 and so on. As you are counting, see the wheel in the night sky swinging back and forth and spinning from side to side. (Pause)
Continue counting slowly and watching the wheel. You find yourself concentrating easier and easier. You body is relaxing as your concentration becomes easier and easier. (Pause)
Keep counting and as you do you are relaxing and going deeper into this wonderful state of mind. (Pause) (Pause) (Pause)
Go deeper and sounder into hypnosis. You feel good. You feel fine. You feel perfectly and completely relaxed. (Pause)
Stop counting and drop the picture of the night sky. (Pause)
Relax and let go of the images of the night sky. You are relaxing more with each and every breath that you take and each and every sound that you here.
You are finding that day by day your powers of concentration increase. You are able to concentrate better on the things that you are required to concentrate on whether they are at school or work or play.
If feels good to be able to increase your personal power of concentration. (Pause)
Day by day you gain powerful concentration powers. You amaze yourself and everyone around you on your ability to concentrate. (Pause)
After you arouse yourself from this session you will find yourself better able to concentrate on the world around you.
It becomes easier and more fun to concentrate.
Each and every time you hypnotize yourself or someone else hypnotizes you, personal concentration powers will become stronger and stronger.
You feel good. You feel fine you feel totally and completely, relaxed. In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 5. (Pause)
By the time I reach 5, you will be alert and awake and feeling better than you have ever felt before. (Pause)
Each and every time you practice this exercise, you will find yourself relaxing to a greater and greater degree. (Pause)
All right, one, two, three, four, and five. (Pause)
You are wide-awake, alert and feeling better in every way!
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