by Geoffrey Knight
Play the script to yourself at least once a day for seven days, and then at regular intervals thereafter. A good time to play the tape is just before you go to sleep. Take your time- and pause -dictate it slowly.
(Use the Self Hypnosis Script as the Induction for this Self Hypnosis Weight Reduction)
I have discussed with myself on a conscious level….that I want to REDUCE WEIGHT….and reach my ideal target of [X] pounds……by [ date ]…..but I want to update my unconscious mind of that decision….. I want it to know both consciously and unconsciously…That is now appropriate for me to REDUCE THAT WEIGHT and to shed [ x]pounds…And that because I now want to ….because it is my decision ….my desire…to LOSE THAT EXCESS WEIGHT of [x] pounds……I will do so by following a few simple guidelines…….
RULE 1* I will eat my dinner early in the evening and I will allow 11 hours between dinner and breakfast… I will never eat after dinner….I will never go to bed on a full stomach…..I will do my utmost always to allow three hours between dinner and going to bed…
RULE 2 I will eat three meals only every day….I will never snack between meals….I will allow 5 to 6 hours between meals….
RULE 3…. and I will always sit down to eat…And I will always finish a meal when I am slightly less than full…..I will never eat large meals….I will eat slowly and be aware of chewing and chewing and chewing my food before I swallow….
RULE 4…. I will eat breakfast every day containing protein……I will avoid all cereals for breakfast…. my mind will think of eggs for breakfast…or meats for breakfast……
RULE 5 …..I will reduce the amount of carbohydrates eaten……I will avoid the “White Foods”…. such as white flour and refined grains….. rice…refined sugar….Hydrogenated fats…And all products containing those White Ingredients…..
RULE 6….I will exercise regularly….each day…simply walking…walking for about 35 minutes each day….at a nice brisk pace…moving me arms …not running…just walking every day….15 minutes at a time….thinking thin…thinking as I walk of exercising arms and legs…burning carbohydrates…..metabolizing…And walking whenever I can without using my car….walking up stairs whenever the opportunity arises… saying no to the elevator….
My stomach is getting smaller and smaller…..with every day that passes…And naturally I will want to eat smaller and smaller quantities of food….I will remember that stuffed feeling I have after eating too much at Thanksgiving…..I have that stuffed feeling……I will always leave food on my plate….far, far better to throw away the left over food….than to use myself as a human trash can…..I am enjoying a new way of eating….very, very slowly…. always laying my eating utensils down between bites……and thinking only of the bite that is in my mouth…. ……… and because I am only thinking of the bite that is in my mouth….I shall enjoy the taste of it much more……my taste buds become more sensitive…And I get a much greater satisfaction from each bite….I eat very…. Very slowly….I shall eat much less…But I do enjoy it more….fattening, sweet foods are repulsive to me…it always reminds me of a plate of granulated sugar….with thick sticky molasses poured over it….
I will reduce that excess weight bit by bit… by day….week by week….until I reach my goal weight of [ x]…and I know I will feel more energetic …And therefore I shall keep up my exercise ….the more I exercise…the better I feel…and the better I feel….the more I exercise…I am looking better…And I am feeling better…my clothes are getting looser…I feel good about myself…I walk more confidently…I smile more easily…Because I know that I am going to win….. …..
Now I am going to imagine that I am going to go deeper into pleasant relaxation …. there is no limit to the level that I can relax …. I know that I have a right to enjoy a slim, healthy body …. this is my own body …. and I have a tremendous respect for it …. I have now chosen my ideal weight, and size for my body …. and I want to constantly …. visualize this ideal look as the real me …. I want every part of me to fully understand my overwhelming desire … to reach and maintain this ideal size and weight …. ….now ….I picture and imagine that I am standing in a large pleasant secret room…where I come every day and relax…
And enjoy being and feeling slim and attractive…. enjoy being the real me with my ideal figure…. …. I can imagine how my room is furnished ….I choose the colors of the walls …. the color of the rich soft carpeting …. and I notice that the wall is covered with a beautiful spotless mirror …. it is reflecting the beauty of the room ….. and it also reflects me …. I look so happy …. I am always my ideal size and weight when I enter this room …. and I come here often to become relaxed and happy …. I thoroughly enjoy posing …. and admiring myself … in this large lovely mirror …. I admire my attractive body …. just looking at myself from a side view …. and enjoy knowing …. that this beautiful, attractive person is me …. I am thrilled and happy with the image of myself I see ….I now sit down in a very comfortable chair …. and look at my beautiful figure while seated …. I am growing very fond of this restful chair …. and as I sink back into its restful surface ….
I feel myself going deeper and deeper into trance …. I just feel terrific …. mentally …. physically and emotionally …. it’s a wonderful feeling to BE HEALTHY…ENERGETIC…. …. TRIM …. and ATTRACTIVE …. and it’s so easy …. and I may even wonder why I haven’t done this before…. …. I look so good …. and I feel so good …. and I am good …. I am doing good things for myself.. .. because I deserve the best life has to offer me…. the process is going on right now …. and I am enjoying a new positive personality …. looking at myself … admiring myself … and knowing that the reason I …. LOOK SO GOOD …. and FEEL SO GOOD …. this is the result of my new respect for myself … and love for my body. is also the result of my new way of life …. my new eating habits …. ….. I eat only when I am sitting down …. I enjoy eating more than I’ve ever enjoyed it before …. because I enjoy the taste of my food more …. because I give my taste buds a chance to savor and enjoy every bite …. I take a bite of food into my mouth …. and I think only of the bit of food that is in my mouth …I concentrate my entire attention on that one bite ….I feel the texture of the food …. I find that it tastes better in certain parts of my mouth than others … I concentrate all my attention on that one bite of food I am chewing slowly …. and I enjoy every bit of taste it has to offer ….. finally I swallow it …. only then do I consider another bite …. I lay down my utensils in between each bite of food …. or if it is food that I hold…. I put it down in between each mouthful …. because I am eating so slowly so that I can enjoy every bit of taste and flavor of the food …. so I will find that my stomach soon has that stuffed feeling that I get after a huge dinner …. I STOP EATING IMMEDIATELY …. and feel extremely happy ….
I recall the tales about fool’s gold …. inexperienced Prospectors used to find and collect it … traveling many weary miles back to civilization …. hoping to sell it …. only to be disappointed and frustrated …. fool’s appetite is just like fool’s gold …. when I mistake it for real body need … I am frustrated and disappointed as a result of eating …. Boredom is not hunger …. worry is not hunger…. disappointment is not hunger…and frustration is not hunger …. lack of love is not hunger …. these feelings are fool’s appetite …. and I am certainly not a fool …. I know that fool’s appetite cannot be satisfied by food …. because it is not real …. being deceived by fool’s appetite only punishes my body …. heeding real hunger is natural and satisfying ….. because I understand this …. I will only eat when I am physiologically hungry …. physically hungry …. only when my body needs food and my body is showing it…. ….. back to that beautiful mirror in my secret room now …. and look at my beautiful body …. the real me ….I love the way I look …. and I find myself merging with this image …. more every day ….I am becoming this image …. I am much more confident now …. everyone is noticing how good I look ….. I find myself smiling more and more …. because I are feeling so good about myself …I feel so happy that I am in complete charge of the way I feel ….. the way I eat …. the way that I conduct myself … it is a wonderful feeling of control ….. I have reached an important fork in the road of my life today….I am standing at that fork….as I look down to that road to the left….I notice that it is cold, gray and unfriendly….the trees are barren of leaves and the grass has long been replaced by hard cold rock….a cold wind blows the mist and drizzle….it’s a lonely, humorless, dreary read….this is the road of the overeaters and the bingers….as I turn from that road and look down to the road to my right…I see a wonderful road…the sun is shining in a rich, deep, blue shy….the trees are full of leaves and the grass is lush and green….this is the road of the healthy eaters….this is a bright, Jolly, cheerful road….full of optimism and health….as I begin to walk down this road….a gentle breeze caresses my body….I am walking down the road to a longer… Healthier… Happier life….with each step I take I feel better, more alive, more cheerful and optimistic….I feel great…..EMERGE
And when you are ready…and in your own time….bring yourself back into the room and open your eyes…..and feel fresh and relaxed from the deep rest you have had…..imagine your eyes are bathed in cool mountain clear water….which is awakening you and making you feel refreshed….now open your eyes…and have a good stretch. End
* The RULES have been extrapolate from a book on weight reduction called “Mastering Leptin”
by Bryon J Richards (ISBN 0-9727121-0-0) which is excellent and I recommend you to read it.
Note on safety On completion of the recording you have a Self-hypnosis tape. It instructs you to close your eyes. Do not play it when you are driving, operating machinery or at any other time when you full attention is required. You use these scripts on the understanding that you and you alone accept solely responsibility for their use and any effects indirectly or direct therefrom.
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