by Geoffrey Knight
In order to get the best possible recording use these tips:
- Take plenty of time
- Speak slowly, for example say the word “slowly” as though it is spelt “slooooowleeee”
- Try to lower your voice by half a tone, make it a little deeper than your normal speech
- Leave plenty of pauses between each phrase
- Pauses gives the unconscious mind a chance to deepen the relaxation and for the conscious mind to become bored and drift off (a good sign of hypnosis)
- When you see the dots….., this implies that you should leave a space of about 2-3 seconds
- For a new paragraph, leave a silent space of 5 – 10 seconds
- Add your own positive affirmations in the script wherever you can.
- If you want, add your own music
Make sure you are sitting comfortably…spine upright…and no limbs crossed….
Take a deep breath in through your nostrils……hold it as long as you can….then out through your mouth, and say to your self, ‘relax’…..
Take another deep breath, and hold it as long as you can……again while exhaling say to yourself the word, ‘relax’….
Now become more aware of your body…….notice any tension in your face….allow the muscles in your face to become limp and relaxed…. Relax your jaw….feel any tension remaining in this part of the body…..slip gently away…leaving your muscles very limp…..comfortable …and relaxed….
Allow this feeling of relaxation and comfort to flow slowly downwards through your body…all the way from your head down to your toes….feel your shoulders, then your arms and then your legs go limp and lazy….very comfortable…very relaxed….
Now focus your awareness on your breathing…imagine you can see the air going in and out as you breathe…imagine you can see it in color…. as it goes in through your nostrils…down to your throat and into your lungs…and then out again…..feel as though the air is doing all the work….the air is breathing you….imagine you are breathing in pure healthy energy…each time you inhale….you are taking in from the Universe all you need….each time you exhale you are releasing all that you do not need….each time you exhale you are releasing any tension in your body…you are now able to energize yourself whenever you desire….you just feel yourself breathing in pure…healthy energy…feel it circulating through your blood stream….to every cell in your body….every organ….every gland….every cell in your body is functioning in a rhythmic healthy manner…
Now imagine you are standing at the top of a wonderful white marble staircase…..a staircase with marble balustrades on either side… are going to walk down this marble staircase by counting one down to ten….and each step you take you will say to yourself inwardly and silently the words ‘deeper relaxed’….now imagine putting your right hand on the right hand balustrade…..feel this cool smooth marble…keep you right hand on the balustrade as you go down the stairway….. here we go….one, deeper relaxed….two, deeper relaxed…..three…four …feel a warm summer breeze on your cheeks as you walk down ……five…six…seven…every step you take you feel yourself going deeper and deeper….. totally relaxed….eight…nine…ten…
Now imagine taking six paces forward, and stepping into a garden of your own imagination…..a garden which is a special place to you…..where you feel safe and totally protected…….a garden which you might have visited when you were a child …….or a garden which you invent in your mind now……image it’s is the height of summer and you can feel the warmth of the sun on your back…everywhere are tall trees with green leaves and you can hear the birds singing in the branches…
Move through your garden….take your shoes off and walk along the beautiful cut lawns…..feel the soft dewy grass beneath your feet….walk across to the large herbaceous borders full of wonderful and colorful flowers in bloom…..and just beyond is a large bed of roses all in bloom….bend down and smell the fragrance of you favorite rose….
And then you come across a small mountain stream with babbling clear summer water….bend down besides the stream…..cup your hand…..fill them with the clear and cool summer water….and take it to your lips …………………and drink…..and now go over to a comfortable canvas ‘Directors’ chair by the stream…..sit down and give yourself a few moments to look around the garden of you imagination…….allow your mind and body to drift deeper and deeper into the wonderful hypnotic state….
Now imagine getting up from you comfortable chair and going into your power spot……this is you inner sanctuary…..your secret place which only you can find – in the garden of your imagination…….no one enters here except by invitation from you……this is a very special place which might be behind a tall brick garden wall…..and you enter through a special green door which only you can unlock……or it could be hidden by a tall yew hedge or whatever your imagination prefers….so enter now, enter your power spot….and here your power spot represents or looks like some wonderful place you remember…from childhood or of recent times….a place which holds happy memories for you…….a place where you can relax completely, so allow your self to sit or lie down on something really comfortable….
In this deep relaxed state you can enter the depths of your unconscious mind…..and bring about any changes you desire…….changes that will be for your benefit and have a lasting influence on your belief systems and your day-to-day life……this is the place you can access all the belief systems that in the past and now govern your very being….this is the place you can heal yourself……or ask for help from friends or relatives or divine guidance…..or ask in some historical figure, like Franklin D Roosevelt, or Churchill or Mahatma Ghandi…….tell them your problem and seek their guidance…….enjoy this personal power spot and take a few moments so that your unconscious mind can dwell here and embrace the power of the mind…….
And when you are ready…and in your own time….bring yourself back into the room and open your eyes…..and feel fresh and relaxed from the deep rest you have had…..imagine your eyes are bathed in cool mountain clear water….which is awakening you and making you feel refreshed….now open your eyes…and have a good stretch.
Note of safety
On completion of the recording you have a Self-hypnosis tape. It instructs you to close your eyes. Do not play it when you are driving, operating machinery or at any other time when you full attention is required. It is always better to visit a hypnotherapist for your first self hypnosis session and then try any scripts at this site. You use these scripts on the understanding that you and you alone accept solely responsibility for their use and any effects indirectly or direct there from.