(For Children 5 to 10)
You don’t really need any introductory preparation for using this induction with a child. Simply have the child get in a comfortable position and close his eyes and listen to the suggestions you tell him.
Just keep your eyes closed now until I tell you to open them. And I want you to tell me about your favorite TV program. As you are continuing to feel more calm and relaxed, I want you to tell me about the TV program that you enjoy most of all … (Pause for response)
In just a moment, with your eyes closed, you will begin seeing your favorite TV program … you will keep feeling more calm, and relaxed, and peaceful, and safe and secure …
Okay, I’m turning on the TV now, and in your mind you will see your favorite program on the screen. You will hear the sounds and have the feelings and really enjoy watching your favorite program … You can continue watching that program, by keeping your eyes closed … You don’t need to pay any attention to what I’m saying … You’re just continuing to relax and enjoy that special program by keeping your eyes closed until I tell you to open them and awaken from the hypnotic state …
(At this point you may want to test the state of the child, you can achieve this by saying ‘As your watch your show, one of your fingers on your right/left had moves straight out,’ Wait for response)
(The following lines can be used for general therapy .. fill in the specific problem)
In just a moment that program will finish, and we will change the channel … you will continue moving into an even deeper, drowsier state … you will be seeing a program that will show you how to overcome that problem and get rid of it completely …
Your favorite program has ended now, and I’m changing the channel … you’re continuing to feel more peaceful, and now you are seeing a program that is showing what has been causing that problem, and how easily you are getting rid of that problem …
The picture is becoming more clear … you are understanding it, and realizing that you are overcoming the problem completely …
Later on, when you open your eyes, you will be back in a wide awake, fully alert state, feeling confident and happy. You will notice the improvement, and will keep improving more each day …
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