Before you go into a hypnotic state, be sure that you have your clothes loosened in any areas where they may be tight, and then get yourself into a very comfortable position, close your eyes and begin inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly…
Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly about five or six times …
Each time you exhale your whole body keeps relaxing more, you continue feeling more calm, more peaceful and more at ease …
As you continue relaxing, I want you to use your imagination. Imagine yourself lying on the grass in a soft, green meadow, the sun is shining gently, and there is an easy breeze blowing over your body …
You continue feeling more comfortable and at ease …
Beautiful flowers are blooming all around you …
You can see the flowers moving gently in the breeze …
Notice the wonderful fragrance of the flowers …
Now, in your mind I want you to stand up …
Look over and see the beautiful mountain at the end of this meadow …
Let’s take a trip up that mountain …
You look around and notice an easy flowing stream to the right of you …
You are walking over to the stream, and you bend over and put your hand in the water. You notice the water is pure, clean, cool and refreshing. Listen to the gentle flow of the rapids …
Since the stream seems to come from the mountains, let’s follow the stream up into the mountains …
As we walk along, following the stream, we come to a pond at the head of the stream …
You bend over and put your hand into the water and you notice it is nice and warm …
Since at this level of your mind you are an excellent swimmer, we decide to get in the water and swim for a brief time …
You can feel the warm water surrounding your body as you quietly move through the water …
It feels so refreshing and so enjoyable, but it’s time to get out now and continue moving up the mountain …
As we climb, you can hear the birds chirping …
You smell the pine trees …
Once in awhile you can still see the meadow in small openings between the trees …
We’re halfway up the mountain now …
We notice a fallen tree over on the left and we decide to stop and rest …
The meadow below is in full view from here …
The scene is really beautiful …
Now it’s time to continue on up the mountain …
You can imagine how beautiful it will be to be at the top to be able to look down into the meadow below …
The breeze is blowing gently, and you can notice the smell of small cedar trees as we are nearing the top of the mountain …
Just a few more steps and we will be at the top …
We finally made it …
You can see the deep canyon on the other side …
And from this side you can see the meadow below …
Now it’s time to go back down the mountain and return to the meadow …
You can notice the sun beginning to set on the hills on the left …
We still have plenty of time to get down before it gets dark, but we need to be on our way down …
As we’re going down, we notice a few deer off in the forest …
We’re halfway down now …
We pause for a few minutes and sit on the fallen tree again …
We can see the beautiful sunset as it is forming …
Now we continue moving on down …
You can hear the birds chirping …
Now we come to the pond, and we can see the reflection of the sunset on the surface of the water …
We continue on, following the beautiful, refreshing stream …
Now we’re back in the meadow, and you lie down in the comfortable grass again …
You can smell the fragrance of the flowers …
And now you are ready to receive some additional suggestions I will be giving you before you awaken from this relaxed state.
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